Time passes so quickly here on Limestone

It is already the end of May and the first month of the field season is behind us. Spring is such an exciting time here with new chicks, buds and blossoms each day. Camp is in full swing and the various monitoring projects are well underway.

The Ancient Murrelet chicks continue to make their way out to sea each night. There was a total of 100 chicks as of May 28th. The peak night was on May 18th with 16 chicks. We have now confirmed that there is a raccoon on the island which is likely contributing to the relatively low chick numbers this season.

Project Limestone educational program wraps up

The month of May has flown by on Limestone – Ancient Murrelet nightly chick departures are well underway, Project Limestone has wrapped up for the season and the field staff has just found the first Black Oystercatcher nests with eggs.

Since May 12th chicks have been departing burrows on their amazing journey to sea. To date, 106 chicks passed through the funnels (as of the night of May 27th) which is a low compared to previous years with the exception of 1999 and 2007. The verdict for this year’s chick numbers is still up in the air – it really depends on the length of the season and how the numbers are distributed across nights, stay tuned...

LBCS’s 20th Field Season in full swing at Limestone Island

Hello everyone! We are just getting into the swing of another field season down here on Limestone Island in beautiful Laskeek Bay. Camp is up and running and our 20th field season is well underway...read on to find out more about the highlights of the first two weeks on the island.

We had ideal conditions for this season's startup on the 1st of May. Unloading gear on the rocks in front of camp went quickly thanks to the energetic hands of Jen, Gerry, Lucy, Mathias, Christine, Ainsely, Jake, and Leandre. Many thanks to Leandre & Victoria Rose for transporting our gear to the island this year.