Laskeek Bay Swag!
2016 Field Staff, James MacKinnon and Viv Pattison, model our shirts in the LBCS cook cabin on East Limestone Island with co-founder and longtime friend Tony Gaston.
Welcome to our online store! Here you will find a variety of unique products inspired by Haida Gwaii. Our children’s books, Children of the Sea, and A Raven Conspiracy written by Tony Gaston, and illustrated by Judy Hilgemann, are fabulous gifts. Children of the Sea features an inspiring story about the Ancient Murrelet life cycle, suitable for all ages, and great for those who like to read chapter books to children. A Raven Conspiracy is recommended for older children, with a climate change theme and longer chapters.
Our t-shirts feature artwork from local artists. Our cards feature famous species and landmarks from Laskeek Bay. The cedar planks are made out of local wood with a minimalist logo of just LBCS. These items are wonderful gifts or personal mementos from time spent on East Limestone Island.
All proceeds go directly to Laskeek Bay Conservation Society to support our many projects and goals.
Bundle discount! All 6 of the illustrations for $25, regular price $30.
Illustrations by Judy Hilgemann.
Live oustide of Canada or the U.S.? We will absolutely ship to you, but we calculate shipping costs by request. Send an e-mail to to sort out delivery!