2025 Field Science Internships
We offer 3-6 week field-intensive research and conservation internships between May and July annually. They are an incredible opportunity for undergraduate students to gain direct experience in field biology data collection and management, low-impact and environmentally sensitive research methods, and the day to day duties of managing a remote coastal field camp. Intern work revolves around seabirds, shorebirds, cavity nesting birds, songbirds, marine mammals and plants, with tasks varying from week to week.
Typically, interns depart for our research camp on East Limestone Island just north of the Gwaii Hanaas boundary for a 3-6 week field component. During our final internship of the summer, interns may spend their fourth week working in our office in Skidegate, where they will assist with the drafting of a Field Season Summary and other post-season work.
It is possible to receive undergraduate credit for completing these internships (valid for SFU students only at this time). Get in touch with us or your post-secondary institution to learn more about this process.
“Being able to spend 4 weeks on East Limestone enabled me to contribute more to the projects and see their development. I felt like a valued member of the team, having become more confident and efficient in my tasks. I am very grateful for the skills I acquired, my fellow team members who were so open and helpful, and the beautiful environment where I was able to spend time with seabirds and other local creatures. I was also able to complete a research project.”
Collecting and managing field biology data.
Identifying a large variety of birds, marine mammals and plants.
Using low impact research methods for a variety of terrestrial ecology projects.
Delivering environmental education programs to local youth.
Living and working in a remote coastal field biology camp, sharing the duties of day-to-day tasks.
Entering your third or fourth year in an undergraduate program with a major in Biology, Environmental Science, Resource Management or a related program (preferred).
Highly motivated and interested in research on seabirds and coastal ecology.
Physically fit and able to work long days outdoors in remote, rugged terrain.
Priority given to candidates with first aid and boating experience.
Out of province Interns will need travel insurance that would cover the costs of an emergency medical evacuation.
How to Apply
Please email us a current resume and cover letter, (send email to: laskeek@laskeekbay.org) highlighting your education, relevant academic and life experiences, what makes you a good candidate and what you hope to gain from this internship. Please also mention your preferred dates.
(Applications for the 2025 season accepted until March 14/2025)
Program Details
Cost: $1500-$2100 for a 3-6 week internship
All food and lodging on East Limestone Island,
Training and research materials at the field camp (binoculars, compasses, etc.),
Tent and thermarest,
Transportation between ELI and Daajing Giids,
Accommodation in Daajing Giids (home stay)
Not Included:
Transportation to and from Haida Gwaii,
Personal spending in Daajing Giids (restaurants, shopping, etc.),
Sleeping bag, personal items (clothing, rain boots, etc.).
Meals in Daajing Giids at home stay
2025 Internship Dates: between May 2-July 18, 2025
Supportive Funding Opportunities
BC Nature provides a $1,500 Rene Savenye Scholarship to a post-secondary student enrolled in a program that contributes to awareness, appreciation and understanding of our natural environment.
Your post-secondary institution may have grant opportunities or bursary programs that would be applicable.
If you are a Haida Gwaii resident, you may be able to access funding opportunities through Gwaii Trust.